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Adult Limbs


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Webbed toes
"You ask the sea for mercy..."
-Applicable to all species!
-50 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian breaching out of the water!
-Gives your Fenrisian's digits webbing between them!
-Can be opaque or translucent!
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Retractable claws
-Applicable to all species!
-50 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian using a scratching post!
-Gives your Fenrisian's claws the ability to retract!
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The ultimate weapon!
-Applicable to all species!
-50 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian trying to write or draw!
-Gives your Fenrisian opposable thumbs!
-Cannot be placed on legs.
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Freddy Claws
"Welcome to prime time, B*TCH!"
-Applicable to all species!
-100 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian waking up another Fenrisian!
-Gives your Fenrisian long knife-like claws!
-Requires tiny claws
-Cannot be placed on legs.
-Can be combined with retractable claws.
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Built-in Bracelets
"Use Bone-rush!"
-Applicable to all species!
-95 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian meditating!
-Gives your Fenrisian's ankles and wrists a solid armor-like growth surrounding them!
-Can be applied to both arms and legs.
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Soft legs
W-where are your toes?!
-Applicable to all species!
-55 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian slapping someone!
-Removes your Fenrisian's digits.
-Can be used on only one set of limbs or all of them.
-Cannot combine with digit-based upgrades, except for claws.
Joint fluff
"Everything the light touches..."
-Applicable to all species!
-60 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian watching the sunrise
-Gives your Fenrisian tufts of fur on their elbows.
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Dew claws
Surprisingly, not thumbs
-Applicable to all species!
-45 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian barking!
-Gives your Fenrisian dew claws.
-Can be used on only one set of limbs or all of them.
Shelled fingers
"What are you, an anthro deer?"
-Applicable to all species!
-85 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian grazing on a plant!
-Gives the lower portion of your Fenrisian's fingers hoof-like caps
-Cannot be compined with any claws, but can be sharp.
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Full pads
Ooh! That's weird!
-Applicable to all species!
-55 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with pawpads three times!
-Grows your Fenrisian's pads to encompas the whole inside of their hand/paw!.
-Can be used on only one set of limbs or all of them.
Raptor toes
"Clever girl..."
-Applicable to all species!
-85 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian pouncing on something!
-Gives your legs a raised velociraptor-like toe-claw.
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Boot fur
"The whole club was lookin' at her!"
-Applicable to all species!
-45 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian wearing boots!
-Gives your Fenrisian a ring of fluff on their wrists, ankles, or knees!
-Cannot be applied to both the ankles and knees.
Joint points
Lookin' sharp!
-Applicable to all species!
-55 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian banging their elbow on something. Ouch!
-Ends your Fenrisian's elbows and knees with a sharp point.
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Boot fur
"-Boots with the fur!"
-Applicable to all species!
-45 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian wearing boots!
-Gives your Fenrisian a ring of fluff on their wrists, ankles, or knees!
-Cannot be applied to both the ankles and knees.
Digit length changer
-Applicable to all species!
-85 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian holding a bug!
-Allows you to change your Fenrisian's digits' lengths!
-Can be applied to all arms!

Full Changes

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Danger digits
"Why is there bacon in the soap?!"
-Applicable to all species!
-55 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian eating bacon!
-Makes your Fenrisian's digits sharp!
-Cannot be combined with claws!
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Trash hands
*Banjo noises intensify*
-Applicable to all species!
-85 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian taking out trash!
-Gives your Fenrisian opposum or raccoon-like hands!
-Must have thumbs upgrade first!
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Mantis arms
Praying not included
-Applicable to all species!
-150 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian putting their hands/paws/etc together.
-Gives your Fenrisian blades instead of hands!
-Cannot combine with other hand upgrades!
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Birdie legs
"Caw-caw, B*tch!"
-Applicable to all species!
-95 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian being pecked by a bird!
-Can resemble any real-world bird!
-Gives your Fenrisian bird-like legs.
-Can be used on only one set of limbs or all of them.
Sapien feet
*Jungle noise.mp3*
-Applicable to all species!
-100 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian trying to climb a tree!
-Gives your Fenrisian's feet a hand-like appearance, like a monkey! (Comes with thumbs.)
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*Happy horse noises*
-Applicable to all species!
-95 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian jumping over a hurdle!
-Gives your Fenrisian bird-like legs.
-Can resemble any real-world hooves!
-Can be used on only one set of limbs or all of them.
Danger feet
"They're alive, like me..."
-Applicable to all species!
-150 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with a reptile!
-Gives your Fenrisian's feet a dinosaur or dragon-like shape!
-May come with armor.
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Fin limbs
"It looks like a water horse..."
-Applicable to all species!
-95 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian in a bathtub!
-Replaces your Fenrisian's legs with fins!
-Can resemble any real-world fins!
-Can only be used on the legs, not arms.
Mismatched limbs
What are you, a Mangle?
-Applicable to all species!
-200 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian getting their arm stuck in something!
-Allows you to make your Fenrisian's limbs all have different upgrades!
-Can be applied to all limbs!
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