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You're interested in Fenris' wildlife? Well, I certainly can teach you all about the animals and plants that live here! 

Click one of the buttons below to see the different types of life you'll find, and we'll get started!
Pets are as they imply; little animals and plants that Fenrisians like to keep as companions. Just little buddies that are nice to have around, like kids... but not as annoying or demanding.
Farmlife are animals and plants that Fenrisians use for food, or other things like that. Not all of them are food themselves, some make food!
Wildlife are animals that live in the wild. They're not suited for life with Fenrisians, and tend to grow upset when taken out of the wild, so we try not to take them in if they aren't in need of help.
Wildlife can't be kept as pets, sadly. The poor guys hate being cooped up with Fenrisians all day.
Pets, however, are easy to get! Raffles, event prizes, sometimes you can come across them in quests, and if you have enough stars, you can even get one yourself from the market!
As for Farmlife, you need to be a licenced animal caretaker to get any of those. Though, it's pretty easy, all you need is to finish the Farmer trials to sign up as a licenced caretaker! Voila!
"But wait!" I hear you ask, "Are there any Earth animals in this world?"
Yes, in the wild, there are Earth wildlife animals. Not pets or farmlife. So no, you won't find Dogs, Cats, or Chickens on the lovely planet of Fenris.
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