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Character Stats

Now, you might've noticed that MYOs and Transfers come with a little section called 'stats'. Interesting, most evolving species don't have those, huh?

Well, wonder no more, for this portion of the site will explain how stats work in this group!

All Fenrisians, with the exception of certain bred and transferred characters, start with one point in each stat. Stats are somewhat important for your Fenrisians, as they effect events, prompts, trials, jobs, and even casual art/literature!

Here are the explinations for each stat:
Attack -
Attack is offensive power. This will help with offensive tasks, such as boss fights.
Defense -
Defense is how good your Fenrisian is at blocking or defending themselves from attacks.
Speed -
This is your 'initiative'. If your Fenrisian has lower speed than the 'foe', their action will go last.
Agility -
This is your dodging/exploration stat. This stat raised will make exploring new places easier and give your Fenrisian a random chance to fully dodge an attack.
Charisma -
This stat helps with NPC interactions, which can be helpful in buying/selling items, in certain events, or generally learning more about a certain NPC.
Health -
This stat is your Fenrisian's health. For every 1 stat point, your Fenrisian has 50 health points.
Luck -
This is a general luck stat, which can aid you in all corners of the ARPG.

All you really need to know about how stats work is this:
Some jobs, classes, events, etc require a certain level/stat number to participate, and the stats of your individual Fenrisian will help them to achieve their goals.
The lower the stat, the more likely they are to fail.

Levels are pretty much just a system to help balance the stat mechanics.
The higher your stats, the more likely you'll go up a level.
For reference, if you have three stats with 10 points in them, you'll move to level 2, and you cannot have more than 10 points in a stat until you reach level 2.

However, once leveled-up, you lose your ability to participate in level 1 activities. This is to keep things fair for those who are starting out and haven't gotten the chance to level up themselves.

But how are you supposed to keep track of this?
Easy, you can simply use the stat and level tracker!

-Insert tracker-

Simply place the proof of your gaining a point for which stat, fill out the information next to it, and the tracker should do the rest!
There's also a portion of the tracker for class, but that has it's own page, so feel free to go look at that page after you finish with this one.

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