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Growth Upgrades

Growing Upgrades are a special type of upgrade only available during the 'growth trial'. To learn more, read the 'Growth trial' page first before coming back here!
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Capfus fur trail
You're so soft!
-Applicable to all species!
-30 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian stretching!
-First growth prompt required!
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Chilac arm wings
It's not flying, it's falling with style.
-Applicable to all species!
-30 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian flapping their arms!
-First growth prompt required!
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Personal Pouch
Finally, a place to hide your snacks!
-Applicable to all species!
-30 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with a Fenrisian egg!
-Second growth prompt required!
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Heat Pit Removal
I'm just afraid of snakes!
-Applicable to only Elidar!
-35 Stars
-Draw your Elidar trying to smell a flower!
-Second growth prompt required!
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Why settle for two?
-Applicable to all playable species
-35 Stars
-Can apply up to three pairs of horns
-Third growth prompt required!
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Capfus extra eye
Reach Enlightenment!
-Applicable to all species but Capfus!
-30 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with a spider!
-First growth prompt required!
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Chilac Boa fluff
-Applicable to all species!
-30 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian yelling!
-First growth prompt required!
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Human Hair
Flower gleam and glow~
-Applicable to all species!
-30 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian brushing their 'hair'.
-First growth prompt required!
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Chilac Boa fluff
-Applicable to all species!
-30 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian yelling!
-First growth prompt required!
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Eyebrow Shifter
*Eyebrow wiggle*
-Applicable to all species!
-30 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with a smug look on their face!
-Second growth prompt required!
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Facial Fur
You better keep that trimmed!
-Applicable to all species!
-30 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian rubbing their chin!
-Second growth prompt required!
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Capfus spikes
Woah, careful closing the fridge!
-Applicable to all but Elidar!
-35 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with another person's Capfus!
-Second growth prompt required!
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Elidar Antennae
Replication is the most sencere form of flattery, they say!
-Applicable to Humans and Capfus only!
-35 Stars
-Second growth prompt required!
-Must follow the rules of Myo Elidar!
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Mask Shaper
No more basic masks!
-Applicable to only Chilacs!
-35 Stars
-Draw your Chilac drawing on their mask!
-Third growth prompt required!
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