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Counting 'stars'

Stars are HoF's main - and currently only - in-game currency. Unlike some other ARPGs, we don't - nor do we plan to - incorperate real-world money into this, since we don't want to turn this ARPG into a 'pay to win' game.

Stars function as both a tally system, and as group currency. They're required to gain upgrades, as well as needed to purchase things from the shops.

Upgrades don't deplete your supply of stars, but purchases from the shops do! So keep that in mind.

Now, that's all well and good, but how does one get Stars?
You can get them from participating in the group, drawing or writing about yout Fenrisians, and participating in trials, quests, jobs, and events! Just general participation, pretty much.

In-universe, the currency of Fenris is actually coins, Stars are really just for our benifit and aren't actual in-universe items. So no need to worry about getting confused over lore and all.

-The rest is TBA, I need to figure out how to make a tracker doc on Google Sheets, lol.-

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