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Upgrades are the star attraction for any evolving species! Whereas a Fenrisian is often born very simple-looking, they can develop new bits and bobs under certain conditions.

Lore-wise, upgrades can appear out of nowhere, or they can slowly appear, it really depends on the individual, given upgrades are a result of the individual Fenrisian's magic and soul energy.

Due to upgrades being so dependant on the individual, it's often thought that upgrades reflect on the surface what's inside. Personality, morality, etc. Because of this, some upgrades are given a negative stigma, while others have a positive stigma.
(This will be pointed out in the upgrade's info, if it's not specified, it means there's no real stigma around it.)
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Upgrade Editor
Hmm... I like it, but it's missing something...
-0 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with the upgrade you want changed at least three times!
-Can only be used to remove or reapply any upgrades your character already has
-Make a before and after image to apply the editor
All upgrades have info below the name and picture of the upgrade, which is very important to read.
This information will include the requirements for each upgrade, information about the upgrade, and dos and don'ts for how the upgrade is designed/portrayed.
Some types of upgrades also have specific requirements that need to be met to be applied.
For example:

-Color/Marking upgrades all require a 'before and after' image when applied. This is to be sure people know what markings are where and how they're being applied to your Fenrisian's design.
-Special upgrades can only be applied during the time allowed, and can only be retrieved by participation in group events.
-Limited upgrades are extremely rare and do not pass down in breedings. Only applicable in special circumstances.
-Magic Surge upgrades can only be applied when one gains them through a random event or participation in group events.
-Mutations can only be gotten through breeding or random events!
-Downgrades all require a written story alongside a picture to apply the upgrade.
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