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Deep in the legends and myths surrounding Fenris, there are beings known as 'Monsters'.
Monsters are creatures that thrive on the blood of other Fenrisians in one fashion or another. Creatures which can transform other Fenrisians into monsters, as well.

Many assume these creatures are nothing more than superstition and legend... but that is not the case. They very much are real, however their existance being discovered is something they avoid like the plague.

We will go over these interesting monsters here today and learn what we can about them.
-Dr Damnatus.


One of the most recognizable monsters in Fenris lore is the 'werebeast'. These monsters are Fenrisians who uncontrollably turn into a beast when the conditions are correct. The beast form itself varies, but is always a large creature resembling a certain animal who can alternate between running on all fours and on two legs.
They are very animal-like in behavior, though they are still... in there, as it were. They are more instinctive and prone to emotion, but they are still very much sapient and intelligent. Fenrisians rarely remember anything they did in werebeast form, as will their werebeast form rarely remember anything from their natural form's life. Effectively making the beast and Fenrisian two different people in the same body.

Because of this, Werebeasts will often struggle to determine who or what is important to them in their daily life, and will often consider themselves 'other' to Fenrisians due to their vast differences, which can obviously cause problems.
This adding to one thing in particular: Their predatory instincts.

Because werebeasts in their beast form often consider themselves a different species to Fenrisians, as well as having instincts to feed and hunt, it's easy for a werebeast to learn that Fenrisians are 'food' or 'rival' rather than 'friend'. 

Werebeasts have a certain sweet spot where they will learn things for the first time. The beast form's understanding of the world is built upon their first week of existance, and because of that, it will take a lot to change a werebeast's mind about things they learn around that time.

So, if in this time, they come across a Fenrisian who attacks it, they'll likely internalize that and learn Fenrisians aren't friendly, leading to one of the other options.
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