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Like most evolving species, you can transfer your past ARPG characters into Fenris to continue their story, or start a whole new one with familiar faces!

Myo guides
Adult guides

Everyone in this ARPG starts with 2 free transfer slots. Other transfer slots can be received by purchasing them, trading for them, and getting them in events.

You cannot trade the two transfer slots, however, if you go to Fleabag's trading stall, you can get them traded in for special palette MYO slots.

-Characters you can and cannot transfer-

  • You cannot transfer characters you don't own. Even if you got permission, the character must fully be owned by you in order to transfer.
  • Characters from or not from ARPGS. This covers fan-made characters, original characters, and alternate versions of existing characters that have distinct differences from the original.
  • Co-owned characters are not allowed for transfer.
  • Characters from ARPGs must be removed from their past group before transfer!
  • Unhatched eggs and adopts from other ARPGS (So long as you own them.)
  • Personal NPCs from other ARPGs

Let's use an example:
The first oc on the side is a character based on a Shaymin and Rayquaza from Pokemon.
However, they're easy to distinguish from those Pokemon.

Here's another example:
This next character is clearly a shiny Umbreon with only minor changes. 
Just some bands on the limbs, an eye color change, and a tuft on their head.

-Rules and Restrictions-

  • Transfers can have an unlimited amount of baby upgrades. They may also have up to two downgrades, as well. (Except death, obviously.)
  • Transfers can have up to seven adult upgrades, including markings and magic upgrades.
  • All transferred characters are transferred as kids, not adults.
  • YCH upgrades, Mutations, Bred upgrades, and Limited upgrades are not allowed on transfers. Event upgrades and surge upgrades are allowed, however, but count for the seven adult upgrade count. You can also only have one surge upgrade.
  • You may attempt to appeal for a limited upgrade, Ych upgrade, or mutation, but remember, appeals are only available for characters from other ARPGs. Not original or fan characters. (Appeals are for upgrades that were special in the previous group as well, or were important enough that would necessitate them for the character you're transferring.)
  • Upgrades labelled 'Adult only' are unable to be transferred.
  • Only magic upgrades up to Acolyte level are allowed on transfers (This can be appealed if the character is from an ARPG and learned a higher-level magic.)
  • Your transferred character may come with magic if they learned it in the previous ARPG through 'learning magic' trials, classes, or prompts. The magic cannot be something the character knows naturally off the bat to count.
  • You may tweak the transferred design slightly, but cannot add random upgrades or completely change the markings/palette. Do not redesign the character just to transfer them. (I.E: Have the req for the original, then draw a 'redesign' on the app to transfer in that version instead.)
  • You may only transfer in one version of the character, you cannot transfer in a version based on multiple iterations.
  • Characters who are humans should only be transferred in as Fenris humans. As a general rule, it's a good idea to ask a mod first before you decide what species you should transfer your character in as.

-Transfer Requirements-

  • The character must be at least a month old before being able to transfer.
  • The character must have at least nine images showing the character in a way that they're recognizable.
  • All nine images must be separate, they can't be different frames of a single comic page or sketches on a single doodle page.
  • Character must be owned wholly by you. They cannot be characters you donated to an ARPG, co-owned, or anything similar.
  • Adopted characters are eligible so long as the original designer is okay with it.
  • All upgrades you add to your transferred bean must be present on their previous design.
  • The design you transfer must be one design. You cannot draw from multiple past designs for your transferred character.
  • Images you use to transfer must be done by you, not commissions or gift art.
  • It is preferred that the character you transfer into the group is limited to the group while they're active. This goes for characters transferred out of the group, too. Please don't use repeat characters, haha.
  • If your characters have stats in their original group, you may transfer them over if you have proof. However, they must not be over 8 points in each stat.


Yes, transfers have lore in this group!
In Humans-of-Fenris, people being transported from other realms is phenomena that many are aware of. Though just because it's known, doesn't mean it's understood.

Many have their own theories on why it happens, but the general consensus is the same:
Somehow, for some reason, people from alternate universes or timelines spontaneously have their souls transported to another universe.

Sometimes they have memories, sometimes they do not. Sometimes they're alone, sometimes it's a group transported together. Sometimes they spontaneously pop into the world, sometimes they appear as someone's egg and hatch. Sometimes, they even claim they'd died in their original universe!

It is generally agreed that 'voyagers'; as they're referred to, should be treated with patience and kindness. The 'memories' shouldn't be called fake or shrugged off as dreams for the sake of the voyager's well-being and mental health. Though there are obviously some who disregard these 'kindness and patience' courtesies.

If a citizen sees someone who may be a new voyager; They teach at an early age that the citizen should help them to the nearest guard or knight, so they can register on the voyager index.
(Read more on that in the official lore page.)

So really, there are no specific rules on how you can interpret your characters being transported to Fenris.
So long as you keep in mind the lore of the world, such as members not being allowed to make characters related to the Fenris' royal families, it should be fine!

Third: Info and apps.
   After you've finished, place your voyager on the official blank transfer app! Fill in the information off to the side, and after you finish, paste the following info in the description and fill it out:
   Name: (Your Character's name.)
   Gender: (Your Character's gender.)
   Bio sex: (Your Character's Biological sex.)
   Species: (Original species -> Fenris species)
   Stats: (Your character's stats. Will help determine outcomes for prompts, events, etc.)
Attack - 1
Defense - 1
Speed - 1
Agility - 1
Charisma - 1
Health - 1
   Original images: (Link all nine images. One must be at least a month old.)
   Transferred upgrades: (List which ones are baby upgrades. For example: Hair tuft (Baby), Raptor talon (Adult).)

   Don't forget to count your stars, too!
   Once that's done, just send it in for approval on the Deviantart journal or the Discord!

   Once a mod replies approving the design, you send it into the group and when they're accepted, it's official! Then, you can use them in the group!
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