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Growth guide

Growing your baby Fenrisians is not as easy as it is for some other groups.
But don't worry, it's worth it, and hopefully easy to understand!
To grow your Fenrisian, their initial application must be at least a month old in real-time.
They must also have at least five pictures made of them before you begin growing them. Note that the pictures must be uploaded seperately, so no doodle dumps!

All of these images and the app must be linked in the description of your initial growth application.

However, there's also something else you must do before you upload their application, as you may notice in the description template; The Growth Trial.
The Growth Trial's information is detailed in the Quests and Trials page, so feel free to go over there to read up on it.

But, the basic information needed is this:
In order to grow your Fenrisian, you must complete all the required prompts for your Fenrisian's species on the Growth trial's page.
You can fulfill them at your own pace, but note that your Fenrisian cannot grow or participate in adult activities/mechanics until all of the prompts are finished.
Once the growth trial images are fulfilled, you'll place the links to all of them in the section of the description template labelled 'Trial prompts'.

Beneath that, you'll place your character's current list of upgrades, including their growth upgrades, downgrades, special upgrades, and any mutations they may have.

Once that's finished, fill out the rest of the description with the appropriate information, and submit it! You can get it approved on the ARPG's Discord, on the Deviantart group, or on the Toyhouse world.
Now, let's talk stances.
For most of the playable Fenrisian species, you can choose between one or two stances.


Elidar, have three stances.
Elidar having more than four limbs normally, have a quad form similar to a centaur, their third pair of limbs developing into legs.
Bipedal Elidar have their third set of limbs turn into arms rather than legs.

Now, what about that third stance? Well, to acess the third stance, your Elidar must have the 'Limb removal' upgrade. This stance is called the 'versitile' stance, and looks similar to the bipedal stance, just with their arms being the same length as their legs. The versitile stance can comfortably walk on two legs or on all fours interchangably, like Capfus!

-When Elidar grow up, their tails grow to a longer length, naturally held curled upwards like shown in the above image, similar to a scorpion.
-The 'legs' they had as babies develop into secondary antennae on their elbows, falling off of their backmost set of limbs completely. Their antennae also grows out far, becoming far more expressive and no longer replacing eyebrows.
-Elidar's tongues grow longer, as well, but remain slender and pointed, now making drinking with them much easier.
-Their ears finally open up, showing their fleshy insides.
-An Elidar's prior round-shaped face will naturally become more square-shaped like shown above, but this can be changed later with the 'Face Sculpter' upgrade.
-They lose their baby marks, and their stinger becomes more solid, making the color of their venom no longer visible.

Fenris Human

Fenris humans have two stances as well, however, both stances can walk comfortably the other way around for a short period of time. Because of this, Fenris humans do not have a third stance.
Quad stances have longer calves, shorter thighs, and their feet are more thin, built for walking on their toes like a dog. Their hands grow longer to make it easy to walk on the top of their palms more comfortably.
The bipedal stance is basically like Earth humans.

-Their tails grow longer, becoming similar to the tail of a whippet dog or a hairless cat.
-Their mitten-like hands split up into fingers, which can range from three to four - not counting their thumbs. Their flat feet also split up into toes, which can range between three or four, as well - not counting the big toe.
-By this point in their lives, Fenris humans being naked is not considered acceptable by their society, so often, they'll wear something to cover their pelvis area. Unlike humans on Earth, there is no stigma around female or female-identifying Fenris humans wearing something on their chest, so there's no need to do that. (Though there also is no such thing as nipples, so keep that in mind.)
-By this time, their hair may likely have grown out, leading to their baby spot and accent colors often combining in some way, like shown above. You can opt out of this if you like, but if you do, you must keep the accent color, not the baby spot color.


Chilacs have two stances as well, but their 'quad' stance is a bit different.
Quad stance Chilacs, or 'Wyrm stance' are not truly four-legged. They have two legs and two arms, but the lower half of their bodies trail behind them like a snake. It's like if a Crocodile's back legs were a secondary pair of arms.
The bipedal stance, or 'Raptor stance' is similar to a Utahraptor.

-Their tails and bodies grow longer, becoming similar to a snake or crocodile, with very little visual difference between their body and tail; besides the raptor stance having legs on the sides of their hips - not under their hips like most mammals.
-The little ear-like proto wings on the sides of their head grow out fully into head wings, though they can't use these to fly. The ear portion of these appendages is located between the inner and outer feathers, making them almost like a dish, allowing them to hear very small sounds naturally.
-Their little baby fluff around their head has grown out, becoming a mane of fur.
-Finally, their pupils finally become more noticable, naturally colored pure white at first, though this can be changed later with the colored pupils upgrade. However, their sclera is also pure black, but can also be changed later with colored sclera, if you so desire.


Capfus are the only playable species in Humans-of-Fenris to universally have one stance.
This stance is similar to the Elidar's Versitile stance, with one major difference: Capfus have eight limbs.
When a Capfus is walking bipedally, they look like the above image, using their 'natural legs' mainly, while the other legs skitter behind. On all fours, their tail will often be pointed upwards for balance, and some Capfus prefer to fold their legs when they walk.

-Their tails grow noticably larger, becoming similar to a tarantula's abdomen. Now, only the end of the tail is split, allowing for the Capfus to spin webs. The fur on the bottom of their tail almost 'spreads' to their pelvic area and up their stomach, stopping at just beneath their chest. (The size and shape of their tail can be changed with upgrades.)
-Capfus lose the baby spot on their nose and tail, leaving both blank at first.
-Their four spider-like legs on their backs grow out, shifting from the middle of their back to their hips, around the tailbone. The end of the legs end with similar shape to a Capfus' 'natural legs'.
-The strangest addition is a Capfus' new horns, which grow from their hips and curl back toward their butts. It's thought this is an evolutionary remnant of ancient Capfus, since Capfus folklore often claims ancient Capfus used to have bodies covered in horn-like spikes.


Now that you have everything figured out, it's time to put your baby on an application and get their growth approved!
Growing app.png
This application, specifically.

The smaller box is for your current baby design for your Fenrisian, and the larger box is where you place your fully-grown design.
Now, just put down this Desc, fill in the information, and you're good to go!

Name: (The name of your Fenrisian.)
Species: (Which of the four species are they?)
Gender: (What gender is your Fenrisian?)
Stance: (What stance are you making your Fenrisian?)

Initial Application: (Link your Fenrisian's initial app.)
Trial prompts: (Link your finished trial prompts.)
Upgrades: (List what upgrades your Fenrisian has.
You can add a 'personality' section, 'trivia', 'story so far' or anything else you like, but nothing should be removed.

Now, just get approved, and boom! You have a grown-up Fenrisian!
Have fun!
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