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Capfus MYO guide

Now that we know how to make an Elidar grub and a Human kid, how about we learn the MYO guide for Capfus?
First: Anatomy.

Capfus kids are soft little creatures with three big eyes. Two normally-placed eyes, and one eye on the forehead between them.
Above the eyes, there are two tiny horn nubs. They have little lamb-like noses and cat-like mouths.

They have four bug-like legs on their back that are usually folded against them. The bug legs are pretty small now, but when they grow, they'll be bigger.
They have two-toed paws with nub toes on their front legs.

Their tails have two connected layers, which usually cover a small opening where Capfus can spin silk when they reach adulthood.
Capfus anatomy.png
Capfus eggs are not 'eggs' in the same way other playable species are. Capfus instead lay small spheres more similar to egg sacs. Made of the webbing that adult Capfus can produce. The inside has a small membrane that holds the baby, which makes it rubbery, similar to Fenris Human eggs.

The webbing takes the baby spot color of the baby it holds. They're always a completely solid color, making their body markings, accent, and special colours a complete mystery.
The webs are also sticky, allowing the egg to be placed on the ceiling, or anywhere it can stick, leaving an off-white residue which can easily be washed off with warm water.
Second: Colors.
Capfus, like the other playable species, have a baby spot colour. The baby spots are on the nose, and as a spot on the topside of their tail.
   Kids will have up to six colours on their palette, like Elidar and Fenris Humans.
The base colour, two secondary colours, a special colour, an accent colour, and their baby spot colour.

The big block of color is the base, the smaller colors on the end are options for secondaries, and the lightest block on the end is the baby spot.

The secondary colours are the small boxes in the base color.
The baby spot is the final colour on the very end of the secondary options.
The blood and flesh is the same as the other species. Pink flesh and red blood.
   The special colour is an extra colour you can add to accents of your Capfus's body. You can add them to the horns, the buggy legs, the inner ears, and the tail. It can be any colour that isn't black, white. or off-black/off-white.

  The accent colour is specifically limited to the eyes on this species, but upgrades you can get later can change that.
Third: Info and apps.
   After you've finished, place your new little guy on their palette's official blank myo app! Fill in the information off to the side, and after you finish, paste the following info in the description and fill it out:
   Name: (Your Character's name.)
   Gender: (Your Character's gender.)
   Bio sex: (Your Character's Biological sex.)
   Species: (Here, you'd place 'Capfus'.)
   Creation: (How your Character's made! MYO, Adopt, Bred, etc. For a basic MYO, you'd put MYO.)
   Stats: (Your character's stats. Will help determine outcomes for prompts, events, etc.)
Attack - 1
Defense - 1
Speed - 1
Agility - 1
Charisma - 1
Health - 1
Luck - 1

   Don't forget to count your stars, too!
   Once that's done, just send it in for approval on the Deviantart journal or the Discord!

   Once a mod replies approving the design, you send it into the group and when they're accepted, it's official! Then, you can use them in the group!
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