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Adult Head Upgrades

Ear Upgrades

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No Ears
Can you still hear me?
-Applicable to all species!
-30 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian yelling!
-Lets you remove your Fenrisian's ears, making them look like a bird.
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High ears
"Even The Smallest Person Can Change The Course Of The Future."
-Applicable to all species!
-35 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian wearing a costume of a fantasy creature!
-Lets you apply elf-like pointy ears!
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Lovely Ears
Are you watching cheesy romance movies again?
-Applicable to all species!
-35 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian drawing a heart!
-Lets you apply ears with heart shapes on the end!
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Cup Ears
-Applicable to all species!
-45 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian drinking something!
-Lets you apply floppy ears that are cup-shaped!
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Wildlife ears
Lookit those cute little ears!
-Applicable to all species!
-35 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with the species whose nose you're using!
-Lets you apply the nose of any animal found in nature!
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Curly cue Ears
-Applicable to all species!
-30 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian resting.
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Diamond Ears
-Applicable to all species!
-30 Stars
-Your Fenrisian must have participated in the 'Mining' quest!
-Adds ears with diamond shapes on the ends!
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Star Ears
Shooting star!
-Applicable to all species!
-40 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian watching a meteor shower or shooting star!
-Adds ears with star shapes on the ends!
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Fin Ears
Blub blub...
-Applicable to all species!
-30 Stars
-Your Fenrisian must have participated in the 'Fishing quest'!
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Fae ears
Ooh, Pretty!
-Applicable to all species!
-35 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian interacting with a dust sprite!
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Fae ears
Ooh, Pretty!
-Applicable to all species!
-35 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian interacting with a dust sprite!
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Ribbon ears
Can you tie them?
-Applicable to all species!
-35 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian tying a bow!
-Lets you apply ears that look like ribbons!
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Swirly Ears
Hmm? That looks familiar.
-Applicable to all species!
-40 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian spinning in a circle!
-Lets you apply swirly cat-like ears.
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Tufted Ears
I'm not sure about this, Felix...
-Applicable to all species!
-30 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian pouncing!
-Lets you apply tufts of fur on the ends of your Fenrisian's ears.
-Can't be applied to Curly cue ears, Cup ears, Popping ears, or Flutter ears.
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Flutter Ears
Float like a butterfly!
-Applicable to all species!
-45 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian interacting with a Flutterfly!
-Makes your ears similar to butterfly wings.
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Double Ears
Can you hear better, now?
-Applicable to all species!
-50 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian wiggling their ears!
-Lets you apply an extra set of ears
-Can be applied to any ear upgrades
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Popping Ears
Where's my shaving cream?
-Applicable to all species!
-50 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian hissing!
-Makes your ears a Jurassic Park-style popping frill!
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Music note Ears
Sing, my angel, sing!
-Applicable to all species!
-55 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian singing!
-Makes your ears shaped like a music note!


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Nose remover
No sniff, sniff?
-Applicable to all species!
-30 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian in a flower field!
-Allows you to remove your Fenrisian's nose
Wildlife nose
*Sneef sneef snorf*
-Applicable to all species but Chilacs!
-30 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with the species whose nose you're using!
-Lets you apply the nose of any animal found in nature!
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Colored Teeth
You might wanna brush those...
-Applicable to all species!
-40 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian grinning!
-Lets you make your Fenrisian's teeth different colors!
-Req the 'Grown teeth' upgrade!
Dino Teeth
Life finds a way...
-Applicable to all species!
-50 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian growling!
-Lets you make your Fenrisian's teeth all sharp!
-Req the 'Grown teeth' upgrade!
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Forked Tongue
Blep, blep!
-Applicable to all species!
-35 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian sticking out their tongue!
-Lets you apply a snake-like tongue to your Fenrisian!
Yoshi Tongue
Makes eating easier!
-Applicable to all species!
-60 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian licking something!
-Lets you give your Fenrisian a Yoshi or Frog-like tongue!
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Colored Mouth
No, I had the blue, and he had the red!
-Applicable to all species!
-60 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian licking their lips!
-Lets you make your mouth and flesh color unnatural!
Patterned Tongue
Is that... healthy?
-Applicable to all species!
-70 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian drooling!
-Lets you give your Fenrisian's tongue patterns or a gradient!
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Jack 'o Jaw
"Don't forget to help me with the eyes!"
-Applicable to all species!
-65 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian carving something!
-Lets you make your mouth jagged in shape!
Jurassic Jaw
"You made a genetic hybrid!"
-Applicable to all species!
-75 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with Dino teeth three times!
-Lets you give your Fenrisian's teeth on the outside of their mouths! Like a crocodile!
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Predatory Jaw
"Get to the chopper!"
-Applicable to all species!
-80 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian hunting something!
-Requires baby mandibles
-Turns your Fenrisian's jaw into opening mandibles.
Egg Shaped-head
"I'm not an egg-head!"
-Applicable to all species!
-80 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian holding an egg!
-Gives your Fenrisian's head a sloped, egg-shape!
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Retractable Teeth
"Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile."
-Applicable to all species!
-75 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian eating fish!
-Requires 'Grown teeth'
-Lets your Fenrisian be able to retract their teeth. (Either specific ones, like tusks, or all of them.)
Woof Snout
-Applicable to all species!
-65 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with a dog!
-Gives your Fenrisiana long snout, like a dog!
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Echo Snout
"Woah! What's wrong with your face?!"
-Applicable to all species!
-75 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian hanging upside-down!
-Gives your Fenrisian a snout similar to a 'Hammerhead bat'!
Anteater Snout
"Why the long face?"
-Applicable to all species!
-85 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian eating a bug!
-Gives your Fenrisian an ant-eater-like snout!
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Tweet Beak
You must have a lovely voice!
-Applicable to all species but Chilacs!
-40 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with the species whose beak you're using!
-Lets you apply the beak of any bird found in nature!
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Buck Teeth
Here comes Peter Cottontail...
-Applicable to all species!
-50 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian eating a carrot!
-Lets you make your Fenrisian's two front teeth bucky, like a Rabbit or Beaver!
-Req the 'Grown teeth' upgrade!
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Buck Teeth
Here comes Peter Cottontail...
-Applicable to all species!
-50 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian eating a carrot!
-Lets you make your two front teeth bucky, like a Rabbit or Beaver!
-Req the 'Grown teeth' upgrade!
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Boar or tiger?
-Applicable to all species!
-65 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian digging!
-Lets you apply tusks, which can resemble any real animal's!
-Req the 'Grown teeth' upgrade!
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Trap Jaw
-Applicable to all species!
-80 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian tinkering with something!
-Gives an underbite with sharp protusions, like a bear trap!
-Req the 'Jack 'o Jaw' upgrade!
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Trap Jaw
-Applicable to all species!
-80 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian tinkering with something!
-Gives an underbite with sharp protusions, like a bear trap!
-Req the 'Jack 'o Jaw' upgrade!
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Warrior Snout
"My clan and I fight when we choose."
-Applicable to all species!
-55 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with a cat!
-Gives a short snout, like a cat!
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Warrior Snout
"My clan and I fight when we choose."
-Applicable to all species!
-55 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with a cat!
-Gives a short snout, like a cat!


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Colored Sclera
"I have special eyes."
-Applicable to all species!
-75 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with 'Eye Sclera' three times!
-Gives your Fenrisian unnaturally colored sclera!
Colored pupils
"Look, look with your special eyes."
-Applicable to all species!
-75 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian staring at someone else's Fenrisian!
-Gives your Fenrisian unnaturally colored pupils!
-Can be used to give Fenris humans normal pupils.
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Glowing eyes
"I think I can see eyes out there."
-Applicable to all species!
-65 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian in a glowing animation.
-Gives your Fenrisian glowing eyes. (Can glow always or just in the dark.)
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Shaped Pupils
"My brand!"
-Applicable to all species!
-65 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian looking at a painting!
-Makes your Fenrisian's pupils unnatural shapes!
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Mismatched pupil colors
Can you still see?
-Applicable to all species!
-80 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with colored pupils three times
-Gives your Fenrisian mismatched colored pupils.
Mismatched sclera
-Applicable to all species!
-80 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian looking at the sunset!
-Makes your Fenrisian's sclera mismatched colors!
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Slit Pupils
"Trust in me~"
-Applicable to all species!
-45 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with a snake!
-Makes your Fenrisian's pupils slit-shaped!
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Mismatched pupils
Woah, you do have special eyes!
-Applicable to all species!
-90 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with shaped pupils three times!
-Gives your Fenrisian two differently shaped pupils!
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Shaped Iris
-Applicable to all species!
-95 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with eye sclera six times!
-Gives your Fenrisian shaped irises!


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Birdy Crest
Polly wanna cracker?
-Applicable to all species!
-70 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian with a bird!
-Gives your Fenrisian a cockatoo-like crest on their head!
Lung Whiskers
"Ryūjin no ken wo kurae!"
-Applicable to all species!
-80 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian watching some koi
-Gives your Fenrisian a pair of long whiskers with tufted tips! Like a lung dragon!
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Croak Throat
-Applicable to all species!
-95 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian trying to mimic a frog!
-Gives your Fenrisian a stretchy throat that can expand like a frog.
King's Mane
"Everything the light touches..."
-Applicable to all species!
-85 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian on top of a large structure!
-Req: Chilac Boa Fluff
-Gives your Fenrisian a lion-like mane!
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Antennae Shaper
Just a little adjustment...
-Applicable to all species!
-100 Stars
-If not an Elidar, requires 'Elidar Antennae'.
-Changes the shape of your Elidar antennae!
Bioluminescent Antennae
"Dory, look out!"
-Applicable to all species!
-100 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian in the dark
-If not an Elidar, must have 'Elidar Antennae'.
-Gives your Fenrisian's antennae glowing ends!
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Topsian Frill
"I'm a Threehorn!"
-Applicable to all species!
-85 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian eating greens!
-Gives your Fenrisian a triceratops-like frill on their head!
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Eye Crest
"Fire, Ice, and Lightning. Clashing titans above the sea~"
-Applicable to all species!
-95 Stars
-Draw your Fenrisian swimming!
-Gives your Fenrisian a crest of hard material around their eyes, shaped like sharp eyelashes.
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Misplaced Antennae
-Applicable to all species!
-100 Stars
-If not an Elidar, requires 'Elidar Antennae'.
-Allows you to move your Fenrisian's antennae somewhere else on their upper body. (Must be higher on the body than the hips.)
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