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Growth Trial

Growing your baby Fenrisians is not as easy, but it's worth the trouble!
In order to grow your Fenrisian, you must fulfill the 'Growth trial'; a collection of prompts you must fulfill before making your growing application.

When making these prompts, you can also apply 'growth upgrades' between your prompt submissions. Growth upgrades are 'upgrades' Fenrisians get as they grow older, but the funny thing is, most of them are associated with other playable Fenrisian species, not their own!

This is thought to be due to crossbreeding over time, as true hybrids are impossible. Instead, much like other upgrades, the magic within an individual can activate the dormant genes from your ancestry, giving you traits from ancesters who weren't your species!
However, because they only activate due to magic happening during a Fenrisian's puberty, that means they, unlike baby upgrades, cannot be applied after your Fenrisian's adult app is approved. You can only apply growth upgrades during the window you're completing the character's growth trial. Once you've finished that, you cannot apply any growth upgrades to your Fenrisian again without the help of an item.
On top of that, Fenrisian transfers are not allowed to have growth upgrades applied if they're in the baby stage. Growth upgrades also can't be passed down through breeding.

They are a true 'one time' upgrade chance, so don't miss your shot to getting one on your Fenrisian if you're considering it. After all, you can always just use the Upgrade editor to remove it later if you don't end up vibing with it.
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