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Arguably, the locations of Fenris are just as important as the individual lore, so let's take a look, shall we?

First, the Islands currently known on Fenris are:
Isle Rosa - The hub island
Isle Mira - ???
Isle Pita - ???
Isle Dera - ???
Isle Jura - ???
and Isle Polo. - ???

Currently, the other islands are not available to travel to, but that will change in the future.

So, let's start with the locations on Isle Rosa!

-The Dome Of Fire-

   The Dome of fire is a dome-shaped stadium where many events are held in Fenris society. This place is very important to their society and is often the place many athletes and warriors call their home and job.

   The Dome of fire has three levels. The surface level, the barracks, and the bestiary.

   The surface level is the actual dome part. Similar in structure to a real-world athletic stadium, with rows and rows of seats surrounding a large open area in the center.

   The second level is the barracks, where those who work and live in The Dome of fire... well, live. There are separate rooms for all the inhabitants, complete with nice beds, and furniture.

   The third and final level is the bestiary, where all the monsters are kept and cared for. Often kept in cages, while professional handlers care for them while they're not in the dome.
   The Dome of fire is often where many holiday events are held. From the winter Olympics, the Summer sizzle-fest, and the infamous: 'The Beast battle royale'! A harrowing test of skill where the gladiators are locked in the ring and must fight round after round of monsters with little to no breathing room in-between. 

   Those who survive the Beast Battle Royale are heralded as Fenris' strongest fighters, and are held in very high regard. Because of this, many have attempted the Beast Battle Royale, but not everyone is lucky enough to finish it.

-The Quest hall-

   The Quest hall is where many Fenrisians go to start quests. Since some quests require social logs to be fully complete. When signing up for a quest, the quest guild who works there will be sure to give you the supplies you'll need and give you tips for free.

   Some Quests can only be performed by a member of the Quest guild, and because of this, many aspire to join the guild, which... is also a quest. 

   But that's not all! The outside of the quest hall has a board called the 'Task board', where anyone can put down a request for a task that anyone can take up and complete for them. You don't need to be a quest guild member to do these. So many adventurers and even gladiators will take jobs from the task board.

-Elidar bazaar-

   The Elidar Bazaar is where merchants and shopkeepers will set up stalls to buy, sell, and trade things.

   There are certain merchants that are 'official' shopkeepers, but anyone can set up a stall there if they have some things to sell or trade away.

   However, the most popular thing here is the trading post owned by 'Flea bag'. The reason for this is due to Flea bag's invention: 'Random trades'! Flea bag will take whatever his customer offers, then uses a randomized system to choose what he gives them in return. It could be as lousy as a broken music box, or as great as a dragon's heart fire ruby! It's completely random!

-The Nesting Tree-

   The Nesting tree is the place where orphaned and abandoned children/eggs are taken to be raised and cared for until they find a proper home. It's where most start their lives, sadly, but it's also where some meet their new parents.

   It's an impossibly large tree with the middle hollowed out. Though, surprisingly, the tree is just as alive and healthy as it would've been if it wasn't hollowed. This is mainly because of the tree's magic. It's pretty common knowledge that the magic the tree gives off is what helps Fenrisian eggs hatch.

   There are three sections of the nest: The egg nursery, the baby daycare, and the teen rooms.

   The egg nursery is where the eggs are kept for baby Fenrisians. The eggs are kept in small honeycomb-like holes in the walls, where, once they hatch, they're taken to the baby daycare.
   The second section, the baby daycare, is where the babies and children are taken care of. They can't really have their own rooms, so they have communal rooms and bunk beds. Outside the bedding areas, there are also the playrooms and the kitchen.

   The teen section has similar bedding situations, but is located closer to the main entrance.

   Fenrisians aren't usually 'kicked out', but once they grow to adulthood, they're urged to move on and make a home of their own somewhere. Those who work there and care for the orphans are called the 'Nesters'. The Nesters will usually try to help the orphans find their footing.

-The Ranches-

   The Ranches are where most of Isle Rosa's food and other resources come from! The farmers and ranchers are the backbone of Fenrisian society, and everyone knows that. Thus, unlike real life, Farmers and other such workers are held in almost the same regard as the gladiators.

   The ranch has different areas for different specialities. A section for flora and plantlife, and a section for fauna and animals.

   Ranchers are often paid an extra sum by the royal family annually, so long as they're consistently farming and selling their wares.

   Ranchers each have their own farmlands, with their own buildings and fenced-off portions they call their own.

-The library-

   The Great Library is the biggest realm of information in Fenris. It looks small on the surface, but it goes deep underground with a large spiral staircase, with catwalks and ladders going all across each row of shelves. It may seem a bit intimidating at first, but the librarians who run it often have an encyclopedic knowledge of where everything is. So, asking them where what you're looking for is the best way to make sure you get what you're looking for.

   This is also where Static broadcasts their radio show. So, try not to make too much noise, or you might get roped into it along with them!
   The library is also where many go to learn magic after their quest. There are specific rooms without books or other breakable objects where many of the magic classes are taught. If you ask, librarians will probably be happy to let you use one for private study or private learning sessions, but it's very important to ask first.

   Nobody likes an unhappy librarian, after all.

-The Infirmary-

   The Infirmary is where those who have illnesses or injuries go to get healed, of course. This is also where you go if you have a disability and need help. The nurses and doctors are more than happy to help you. The infirmary is also where therapists work, too. Therapists, nurses, and doctors are just as well-respected as Gladiators and Ranchers.

   Just like the nursery, the Infirmary is made inside a magic tree. The tree's magic is known to help heal those who are sick and give them a slightly faster recovery, as well as often helping to alleviate any pain they may be feeling.

-The Castle-

   The castle is where the royal family lives. It's located near the ranches, and has a flower garden around it. The flowers there are known to be very beautiful and are available for anyone to pick so long as they don't ruin the bushes or make a mess. The only exception is the golden rose bush, which every knows is off-limits to everyone not in the royal family, as its a sacred family treasure passed down from the first royal family members.

   The castle is large and made of beautiful marble and stone. The towers at the top of the castle are high enough that the royals who live there can oversee the entire kingdom.
   Balls and celebrations are often held in the main hall and in the castle courtyard. Most of the time, any and all Fenrisians are allowed to enjoy the festivals for free. The masquerade festival is one of the biggest ones, for example.

   Anyone is allowed to ask for an audience with the royal family, and most of the time, the king, queen, and the other bluebloods will meet with them in the throne room.
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