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Interested in pets, are you? Well, I'm glad to hear that! Let's take a look at all our lovely fur-children, shall we?


Oh, look! It's a Fwoggy!
Fwoggies are little intersex bird creatures that were originally domesticated by Capfus. They're energetic and vocal creatures that are smart enough to be taught basic commands, such as what they were originally domesticated for: Protection!

They might not look it at first glance, but Fwoggies are very skilled protectors, originally tasked with staying by Capfus nests while the parents were away; using their feathers to keep the eggs warm, and their powerful croaks to call to the parents if something goes wrong. Meanwhile using their wing claws and sharp birdy talons to keep predators away.
They were so skilled, in fact, that they eventually developed an innate instinct to protect Fenrisian eggs! Because of this, the hatcheries of Fenris usually have two or three of these little guys bounding around.
Fwoggies are omnivorus, able to eat just about anything they can get their wings on. However, Fwoggies do prefer seafood over anything else. They love fish, and a sure fire way to get one to like you is to figure out a Fwoggie's favorite fish and feed it to them!
Fwoggies can't fly, sadly, but they can swim! Their feathers, much like ducks, allow for water to fall off them very easily, allowing them to swim without fear of getting 'too wet'.
For a Fwoggy, there's no such thing as 'too wet', and they will be more than happy if their owner gets them a little tub of water to swim in, with some minnows inside to catch and snack on.
Fwoggies, being intersex, have no sexual dimorphism, and are generally communal. You don't have to have multiple Fwoggies to keep them happy, as they find their owners to be more than enough. But if you're a busy person, it might be better to get your Fwoggy a companion so they don't get lonely.
Though be careful leaving two Fwoggies together by themselves, because they might end up creating little tadpigs while you're away.


Oh, look! A Lepupit!
These cute little guys were originally domesticated by Fenris humans! Quite by accident, really.
Lepupits were originally seen as pests, They'd use their big claws to dig under fences and eat farmer's crops. However, they were reconsidered after a Fenris Human started finding seeds on their doorstep. Soon discovering they were 'gifts' from the Lepupit who'd been messing with his crops!

Being 'fed' by the Fenris human farmer day after day caused the Lepupit to develop quite the attachment to him, and eventually, it started coming inside, and sleeping on his lap.

Nowadays, Lepupits are very much lap-pets, loving to be groomed and eager to please their pet parents! They love nearning new tricks, eager to have something to do that'll stimulate their mind. Some can even be taught to press buttons to simulate speech!
Lepupits love affection, and will gladly stick by their pet parents, sitting in their lap, sleeping in bed with them, and even sitting on their shoulders while travelling.
Lepupits have two big claws on their front limbs, which they use to burrow in the ground and dig up plants and bugs to eat. They often have floppy ears to help keep dirt out of them, and for the same reason, all Lepupits have tufts of fur on their heads that cover their eyes. It's very important to never cut this fur back, as Lepupits don't have eyelashes and can easily get debris in their eyes otherwise.
Male Lepupits are called 'Bucks', while female Lepupits are called 'Queens'.
Bucks are bigger body-wise than Queens, but have smaller claws. As a way to show off to Queens, Bucks will burrow into the ground and create a nursary burrow for Queens to inspect. Different queens have different preferences; some prefer deeper and more spacious burrows, others prefer them to be closer to the surface and more compact.
Bucks and Queens will stay together until their babies, called 'pups', grow old enough to leave. Some Lepupits will stay together, mated for life, but others go their seperate ways afterwards.


Oh, look! It's a Chilepen!
These guys were originally domesticated by Elidar! The purpose for why was never documented, but many theorize they may have just domesticated themselves, much like real-world cats.

This theory is given weight due to how Chilepen often get 'adopted' by their new pet-parents: They just... show up. It's a common joke among pet owners that if you want a Chilepen, all you have to do is hold open your door, and one will eventually walk right inside.

Chilepen are very loyal to their families, and are often the type to warn their owners if something goes wrong in the house. From screaming at you until you realize a fire has broken out, to dragging you out by your sleeve if a robber breaks in.
Chilepen are long creatures resembling snakes, however, they do have legs! They're very small, and are located under their thick body fluff, which obscures their legs from view, making it seem like Chilepen are just glinding on the floor when they walk.
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